Sunday, December 30, 2007

kuch kar dikhana hain.

Just skimmed through this book by Bertrand Russell.
'The conquest of happiness'.

A fable in that book.
Long long time ago, a very mighty and able king ruled over a kingdom.
The province loved him, he loved his people.
Happy and prosperous.
But there was a kink in the story.In spite of all the success,money and goodwill, the king was not happy. Something was missing. He kept wondering, if he after having literally everything that anyone can crave for, can't be happy, then who on this face of earth is happy?
He sends his son in search of a man who is happy in the truest sense and tells him to get his shirt for him. The son, obedient and loyal, sets out on a search. He asks renowned artists, brave soldiers, wealthy businessmen, almost everyone he could think of. But no success. Everyone thinks The King must obviously be happier than them. All frustrated and exhausted the boy wearily walks up to the foot of a hill to seek some shade. There he finds this old man, singing merrily, playing with a beaming white cat, engrossed in his own world. He asks the boy if he needed any help. The boy tells him his problem. As if in the same breath, the guy replies," I definitely think i am happier than the king". The boy gets offended by his bold and unashamed answer. Asks him a series of questions, only to find out that the guy actually has no worries, no fears. He just enjoys the small lil intricate bounties of beauty the nature has to offer everyday. The boy all ecstatic, thinks of the promise he has made to his dad, only to realize that the happiest man in the kingdom doesn't have a shirt.

I believe there are two different kinds of people.
Firstly, who believe in dreaming big and making it big.
Secondly, who lead a simple, balanced life, without ever worrying about or striving for success or fame, which have now become synonymous to a happy life.

Everyone is made to think that they are born with a purpose. That they have to prove their skills, their abilities to people around them.That they have to be successful.Success mostly being fame, recognition, money.
Kuch kar dikhana hain! Although, I always wonder, its really not the other people around who are to endorse your abilities.

Recently watched movie, Tare Zameen Par, says every child is special. Everyone is special in his/her own way. But I always think, the child need not always be a brilliant painter like Van Gogh, he need not always be someone like Einstein. Not everyone needs to make it big. People who make it big are not the only ones, who lead a fulfilling life. Isshan, the little boy in the movie, was very happy even before he realizes that he is a painter with an amazing talent. He just enjoys simple things in nature, gets amused by the painter who climbs up the bamboo mesh and paints an apartment. He is sensitive towards simple life forms around him, insects, fish, toads, bugs, trees to cite a few. Doesn't that carry any credit?

This reminds me of Mr and Mrs Kulkarni( kulkarni kaka kaku) who live in our neighborhood. Kulkarni kaka has a keen interest in languages, always tries to learn new languages, relate them all together. He plays cricket with kids in our colony, likes cooking. Kulkarni kaku plays small roles in Marathi plays. She says it gives her a kick! She likes reading economics, finance and likes to tutor children who have just started earning and need help in money management. Both of them have not made it big according to any yardsticks laid by common people. Hardly anyone knows them. They dont have a special identity, especially in the infinite pool of Kulkarni's in Maharashtra.They still lead a very contented and a happy life. I dont think they must have ever thought, 'kuch kar dikhana hain'. I dont think they ever felt they could have done much better in life. Although everyone knows that they could have done much more than this. I am not sure it would have been much better though.

Gautam Buddha also said something similar, he retired from his life as a king and lead a simple life,enlightening other people. Telling them the key to a happy life, ashtnagamarga.

I am not against dreamers.
Nor am i against people who make it big.
They undoubtedly have unparallel abilities, we all owe a lot to all such pioneers, discoverers.
I am not saying you should not dream big. It will be an utter foolishness to say that.
But here I am, just trying to protect the other parallel thinking stream which coexists and which seems to have lost its due importance.

If happiness is the final goal in life, and if one is going to be left equally content, following either of the ways, can you really think of one way as superior to the other one?

Coming to the literal meaning of dreaming, I remember reading in Morrison and Boyd that the aromatic structure of benzene was thought of when the guy(whoever he was) was dreaming, actually dozing off.

Well, let people who make it big, dream big. Its a wonderful thing. Let them dream about significant discoveries or trend setting ideas and business plans.
But at the same time, let other people dream of Deepika Padukone, if that's what makes them happy!


Saniya said...

"you owe it to yourself and to your creator to be the best that you can be."
Oprah winfrey

contrary to popular belief i nt think we are born with a purpose thrust upon us.we are all jus beings meant to be what we are.Few lucky ones find a purpose and change the world in a big way.But so does everyone their own way.

bits.pankaj said...
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bits.pankaj said...

u are getting better with evry post...awesome post yaar..
my ideology is the same as Roger De Bussy's-

When we cant have what we love we must love what we have...!!

P said...

umm... me knows no fancy quotes. but yeah.. i guess i'd just say tht was brilliant. and haan... (ok i guess im obsessing over this now. first my blog then maddys n now this) dont u LOVE taare zameen par??? :) :) :) :)

P said...

... and the benzene-structure guy's name was Kekule.. was readin this post again.. thought i'd share this :)

Unknown said...

Exactly the way i look at life. Now you know why I'm so lazy [:P][;)]...

Eeshan said...

Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz.
Neway, I believe nobody aspires to be big, its just that some people get happy only by becoming big. Everybody wants to be happy, nothing more, nothing less.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if you'll check this comment :P
'confusing but good'