Saturday, December 29, 2007

Big mouth

Life is beautiful.
Its not all the big-shots, big success stories that always attract me.
Its rather the small, seemingly insignificant little things, which fascinate me the most. Size does not always matter, you know ;)
Its very interesting how the smallest of things can make me ponder the most.

Now this sequence of events i am going to tell you about, the events being really small and routine. But its consequence was really big. I started blogging after that.

This scene in the movie: Amelie.
Amelie's friend: Haste is ...
A guy: waste.
Amelie's friend: A stitch in time...
The guy: saves nine.
Amelie's friend: Blood is thicker than...
The guy: water.
The friend:A bad workman...
The guy: blames his tools..
The friend: Aah cool, I know you like Amelie and she likes you too.But I really care for her. My mom always said, one who knows idioms can't be all that bad.
You have passed my test. I was just making sure you are not a bad choice!

I always liked this scene.Countless number of times i must have seen this movie, and watched this scene once more. The simplicity attracts me. The simple and true love for a friend and simpler ways of judging people! May be I am so complex, that these scenes immediately touch my heart.

Event two: I was just sifting through some books on this old rustic bookshelf that we have and i found this book. "Fifth edition: English idioms- Jennifer Seidi. Oxford publications". No need to say, I picked it up. Struggled my way out of the huge pile of books i had taken out and had "planned" on reading, went and sat on our sofa. Realized that the book is damn interesting. Found these pencil tick marks in the margin near some idioms. No need to say again, I started reading only those which were marked.This habit of mine of studying for only a week before the exams,or may be less, hurts. Just read through the "starred" paragraphs, thanks to our sincere seniors.So.. I just read this phrase 'Big mouth:someone who boasts,exaggerates, makes promises he/she doesn't keep etc."

Event three:Well, so many things happened in that day afterwards; small,big. But there was one thing that made me feel its presence all day. Like background noise.Or may be that was the clearest sound of all. I kept pondering over the idiom.

Am I really a big mouth?

Yes, why did it take me so long to come to a conclusion, I don't know. But yes, I am. If not a big mouth,i am definitely a blabber mouth.

I can think of so many incidences, so many conversations, so many random statements I might have overheard, so many serious discussions..
They prove it all.
To cite of a few of these random conversations,
Friend1: Are you going for mood i?
Me: No re. Mom won't allow me.
Friend1: Aah, good in a way. Nahin to tu muzhe har evening aake batati, maine mood i mein ye kiya, woh kiya!

Hey friend2! I am going to wear a sari in my bro's wedding.
friend2: Aah come on Abha, you have told me about so many things in the past. You never keep your word. Remember you were going to sing on The Big Break? And you had told me you were going to wear a sari in Ganesh Chaturthi culturals?And that you were going to learn web designing? And that you were going to get a ten this sem?(well yeah, I know i am a born nerd. I seriously don't mind getting a ten you know! ;)) Well you know, you did neither of these things. Its the usual thing now.

I talk a lot.
I really talk a lot.
I talk about things necessary, things utterly unnecessary at the same.

So what did I ponder about? What was I worrying about? That i talk a lot?
well yeah..

So I decided, I will talk less. All the extra talking cut to the bone.
I don't hate people. I like people. I really like talking. I really like aimless talks.
So,It is a very difficult decision you know.

Now this mouna vrata of mine did not last long. Flood of words in my mouth. Had to gulp them all down, faster than water. I had to tell mom about the new cat I found, about how I tricked my computer teacher, about how I put extra sugar in my milk( geez!).. But I really had to control. I had decided i will use only minimal sentences. Ones, absolutely necessary. Why? well I don't know. I had just decided i will do that. And let me tell you, those six hours that i spent,without talking, taught me a lot.

I started observing people. Really carefully. Without them realizing that obviously. I noticed how my mom pouts her lips when she is thinking over something. How nirmala, our maid, scratches her neck while talking.. How my brother always fiddles with a pencil or a telephone chord or anything approachable when he talks. That my grandpa loves talking too. And my grandma chooses her words very carefully. Will take me ages to complete one statement if I start doing that. How hasty i am while talking, feels like these words are pushing each other away and making way for themselves, exactly the way people push each other in Bbay locals. And my dad talks really less. Cant even talk when it is absolutely necessary. And how my mom loves talking. And how she gets frustrated when she has noone to talk to. How this girl in Coorg had won our hearts, by her sweet and innocent talking.

Remeber this song? "sardi khasi ya malaria hua, muzhko laveria hua!"
well I would say, "muzhko wordaria hua!"

someone stop me! I am back to talking useless stuff again.

So coming back to the point, I talk about people, sometimes I talk about the worthless gossip to my neighbours, sometimes i talk about stuff i would do in future, sometimes i exaggerate, sometimes i overexaggerate. Sometimes, I promise people something, something i know i might not do. But still i tell them. Sometimes i talk about things I want to do, I may do, I should do. Or very few times things I do. All the gossip and the rumors are the outcome of this very habit of all of us.We talk what is not necessary.We talk when its not necessary. I talk on gtalk, I talk on orkut, I talk on the phone(really cheap calling rates you know), I knock on my friend's door and go to talk to her in her room for hours long. My friend says, girls like to socialize a lot..

Now comes the question, why do we all talk so much?

Is it because we want other people to think high of ourselves? Is it because when we talk ill of other people, we just feel better about ourself? Or when I know i cant do something,and i still talk about it,is it just a false promise made to myself? As the Sanskrit saying goes mukhamasteeti vaktavyam..

Talking is useful sometimes. In a way, talking is a wonderful thing..(oh, I am a confused lil creature!) To clear our thoughts. Communicate. As the new Airtel ad says, talking removes barriers brings people closer. Creates this beautiful bond between people.There have been so many amazing scientific and philosophical theories born in talks over coffee. I will always cherish those long pointless talks in nescafe.. Nothing against talking. Just that something has to be done to stop the countless unnecessary words, sentences we talk for countless number of hours.Talking is an epidemic! May be an alarm going teeeeek when i am talking useless stuff.
We always laugh at this habit of British people for talking very less. May be its time we inculcate the habit too.

As Gandhiji said, Zen Buddism said, words are like shining stars. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day!

I still love talking. Cant stop talking even after i have written sooooo much. Par bolne mein kya jata hain?!


Sanskriti said...

Lot of talk...
Needless to say ;)

Anonymous said...

honestly... u say a lot, but its fine. u say it wid a gud heart. now tat definitely means u r not a big mouth.... and few friends have complained bout it... i havent for sure. maybe ur friends werent in the rite mood when they told u bout ur "braggin" habit. and say u did brag, gud tat u realized it and started thinkin over it. so nxt time u feel tat u r crossin limits, stop urslef. tat shud b enuf. and if u trust ppl, and say things 2 them, then i dont blame u for it... it is ceratinly not a shameful act... but plz dont telll every1 bout ur plans... tell only the trustworthy.. tell em all and u r a BIGMOUTH for sure

Unknown said...

hey you cant be a big mouth if you know you are!!!
nicely written of the few posts i have read and liked!!


Abha said...

@karan: thanks a lot! hush, now i am free to talk as much as i want to ;)

@pankaj: i am flattered! thanks!

Abha said...

@sanso: you are the last person i need to tell that i talk a lot!

Unknown said...

Well, finally some words into a blog eh?!...nice on..[:P]

Onkar Dixit said...

The following comment might not be polite, :P

You always draw wrong conclusions from the right incidents.

Abha said...

@onkar: always happens! ;)

Saniya said...

kitna bolti hai..really..n amazing how much u can write on how much u talk also..hehe..but actually thats whhat i think makes u so endearing..makes u abha

P said...

heeheehee.... yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo.. finally SOMEONE who talks as much as me/posts reli reli long posts like me... damn gud! i like simple stuff too.. try watching halo.. sweet n simple movie.. reli reli gud.. n haan.. maun vrat never works. i think ppl like us are quiet only wen we sleep. (waise my sis tells me i sometimes talk in my sleep also - but then again she might be lyin 2 take my case)

keep bloggin :D

n read mine n comment.

:P :D

Eeshan said...

Is this long piece of writing the consequence of the six hour attempt?
If so, please do not ever do such a thing, I fear that will run out of space if that happens.
btw Aping also has an interesting meaning.

Divyansh said...

i more dan liked it.

Abha said...

@saniya- can't really change myself overnight, can I?!
@divyansh-thanks a lot! :)
@pranshu- Lets tell Sireesha too to write!;)
@eeshan- I just talked so much to complement someone who has been talking a lot less recently! ;)

Maddy said...

Totally understand what you mean abt the insatiable need to talk.. But hey u knw my theory, people who talk a lot are the ones who have a lot to say that's worth listenin to!
Ur post made me think of the innumerable occasions we've spent discussing innumerable things sitting in your room or mine...And i wouldn't wish for any of those instances to not have ooccured..Every endless chat with you has left me feeling really really nice about something or the other.. So my talkative buddy, don't ever question this habit of yours (ours really)...Its what makes you you :)